Monday, August 25, 2008

Featured Etsy Shop: Raid My Stash

Featured Etsy Shops: Raid My Stash & ClawTreeDesign

This blog features another wonderful Etsy West Michigan artist who has two shops. Check out her shops and don't forget to search "etsywmi team" for more great Michigan finds!

1 and 2 - I have two Etsy shops. The first is
- a little supply shop where I sell small quantities of beads for those who want to try something new without a large investment. My other store is Here I sell handmade jewelry in different styles as well as fiber art scarves and handbags.
3 - I started selling on Etsy this summer, and am actually still stocking the ClawTreeDesign store and plan to "launch" it this fall.
I'm still figuring out how to do that.
4 - My favorite thing about Etsy is the creativity of the community.
I can just browse for hours, amazed at the work that I see.
5 - I love that I sell items that are actually used and worn and enjoyed by people. I love to hear someone tell me how much they still like a piece of jewelry years after they bought it.
6. - Currently the favorite item in my shop would be either the shell bracelet with seed beads and pearls "I found Another Shell" or the highly textured nuno felted handbag " Look At Me Now". Both were so much fun to make, both are unique and beautiful in their own way.
7. – I belong to the West Michigan Etsy team. I am new to Etsy and therefore new to this team, but I have enjoyed meeting members of the team and am impressed by how congenial and supportive they are.
8. – I haven't yet promoted my shop, but I will do so this fall. I appreciate suggestions… I did participate in Etsy day at the Fulton Street Artisans Market, and that was fun.
9. I have a list of favorite items that grows daily. I lately have been looking at nature photography, ceramics, and some copper metal
work jewelry. All things that I do not make, but love to have…
10. My art is my spare time lately. I love to read, to hang out at the lake with the kids. I enjoy knitting and crochet, I like to walk and in the winter I ski when I can.
11. The only other thing I could share is the inspiration for the name of my shop – Claw Tree Design. A claw tree – as I call it - is a tree that for some reason has roots exposed that appear to be reaching for or clinging to the ground. I see these trees as a metaphor. They all started out as seedlings in a place that should have given them the nutrients to grow, but for some reason the ground underneath them changed, shifted, eroded, went away. Some trees then just die, but the claw tree extends its roots as far as they need to go in order to hang on to what it needs to stay alive and growing.

Life can be like this. We start out with certain expectations and
plans. Sometimes, our plans don't work, our hopes are not fulfilled, things change, shift, erode, disappoint. We can then be like the claw tree and reach out to cling to what we need and what we know is good.

My avatar is a sketch I made years ago when learning how to draw. A claw tree was a difficult subject given my lack of experience but it turned out well. That was the first time I thought that I may just be able to create. It gave me the encouragement to continue drawing and eventually to pursue my creative urges into different mediums. Creating beautiful things is one of my roots.

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