Featured Etsy Shop: dbhoyleart
1. What is your shop name and what do you sell? I'm Di of dbhoyleart. I create and sell matted prints and notecards of my original colored pencil art I am expanding my product line to include calendars, gift tags, bookmarks and postcards and in the works "dbhoylewearableart" and"dbhoyleartkidz" funky hip clothing lines for adults and kids!

3. When did you start selling on Etsy? I started selling online in July 08. I chose etsy as my first online venue!
4. What is your favorite thing about Etsy? I love etsy! It is an upbeat and vibrant place to be! Talanted & creative artizans, awesome product lines, and postive, fun people to deal with!

5. What is your favorite item in your own shop and why? My fav item that i sell are my fun & inspiring artsy fish! They are unique,full of personality and have an uplifting message but, most importantly they put a smile on my friends faces! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=13733979
6. What teams do you belong to? I belong to BBEST boomers & beyond etsy street team and the etsy honeybee helpers!
7. What is the most fun thing you do to promote your shop? I love to include a bookmark or notecard with my customer's order as a little surprize gift(shh! don't tell anyone!)I like to imagine that perhaps by giving something unexpectedly i may have added a little extra lift to someone's day!
8. What are some of your favorite finds by other sellers on Etsy? My newest (as there is sooo many!)fav find on etsy is TalkingDog's listing
9. What do you do in your spare time? In my spare time i am a marathon runner, golfer, sewer, knitter, crafter, avid reader, wife, mom, and new grama!

10. Do you have anything else you would like to share? Thanks for your consideration Bliss, this is a wonderful opportunity !
Great feature!! I LOVE Di's work!!!
Ohhhh adorable...
I luv those fishies too...especially the popeye!
Thanks Bliss! What a thrill to be a featured artist on your blog! I appreciate your time and attention in high lighting my shop. Have a great day! Di
Nice Move!..Good choice.
Wow! I love Di's work and her shop on Etsy, and I'm truly honored to have my work listed as a favorite find.
Great article! Thank you!
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